
Saturday, November 19, 2011

Hair Update

Its been a while since I've talked about my hair on my blog. Today before stepping outside, I decided to take a quick picture of my hair and my makeup free face.

I have been transitioning for almost a year now. I now have more natural hair than relaxed hair. To be honest, I could easily just snip off the remaining relaxed ends because it is the smart thing to do but because I told myself that I would do it on January 1st, I am going to wait.

I can't wait to rock a twist out. January 1st can't come quick enough.

Hope you're having fabulous weekends!


  1. Yaaaay natural hair post! You are going to LOVE your hair post snipping off those ends! It's so much easier! BTW you look great without makeup!

  2. Ooh it looks so have good hair lady. And you are beautiful even without make up!! Great skin!!

  3. your curls are so beautiful! So excited for Jan! it looks good right now too though

  4. You don't ever need makeup!
    Yay for getting your hair like you want it! I want to shave mine off & start over! Can't wait for 2012!!

  5. Hey! Thanks for following my blog :) I am now following you back! Hope you had a lovely weekend!

  6. Love the hair!! I have been natural for 3 years...and twists and twist outs are my favorite ways to wear my hair.

  7. Looking SO lovely! :) AND makeup-free?! SO PRETTY!!!!

  8. well if that is you makeup free, then I don't like you anymore. You still look gorgeous. I LOOK HORRIBLE with no makeup! Swear to you. One day I may post my makeup free face on my blog. maybe.

  9. You are so freaking beautiful my dear Faith. I'm loving your natural hair even more than I can put into words.

    If your hair were a person, I'd buy it a margarita.


  10. i love your natural hair....just beautiful!

  11. I am so jealous! It's been 7 months since my last perm and I am DYING! My hair just won't do what I want it to do. Oh well... I'll learn to love it :)

  12. Your hair looks so nice already and its going to look great after the trim too. I like your curl pattern!

  13. You can't wait to snip those ends and rock a twistout but I love your twistout the way it is! You have beautiful skin too! Oh and I love how shiny your hair is!

  14. I'm totally loving your hair! It's coming out so fabulous! You're such a great motivator. :)

  15. I've recently jumped on the bandwagon to natural hair. Yours looks great.. what products are you using if any?


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