
Thursday, April 30, 2020

A drive to nowhere


A little over two weeks ago, Sean suggested that we go for a ride to nowhere and put on clothes as if we were going somewhere. I was a bit hesitant because I thought the suggestion was a little silly as I’m perfectly OK with wearing only lounge wear during this time. But also because being outside at any given time was making me incredibly anxious.

The thing is that I am fully aware that getting fresh air while practicing social distancing is perfectly fine but try convincing my worrisome self. It was difficult getting me to relax while I was outside even while I was doing all I could to be safe.

I told myself that I did not want this time in life to create a problem where I was afraid to go outside because I was finding myself making all sorts of excuses not to take our dogs for walks, etc. I reluctantly agreed.

And I’m glad I did because that day changed a bit of how I behave now. Just being in the car, listening to our favorite songs was enough to transport me to anxious free days. When we ended up by a river we got out of our car and took in the fresh air, feeling grateful for the moment. That day I found out that that fresh air is good for mind, body and soul; it's not just a cliché saying.


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And well, dressing up to go nowhere … well that isn’t so bad either.
Funny thing is that I didn’t even notice that Sean didn’t exactly dress up until I reviewed these images, ha.


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I've been saying this phrase a lot lately but really, what a time to be alive!


  1. I’ve been doing photography stuff, because I can maintain relative distance from people, but honestly, it’s driving me nuts. I will ride around in my car sometimes, to just FEEL like I went somewhere. This weekend we may have to hit up a lake or walking trail, just to get out.

    I think if I lived on the East Coast, I would be more anxious and worried to be out, as you are. But it’s true, fresh air does wonders for the mind (and emotions).

    1. Yeah, I'm finding that riding around in the car is definitely helping me during this time. Hope you're having a good week.

  2. A ride to nowhere. Who would have ever thought that doing something like that would make perfect sense. You must have really needed this and he knew it!!

    1. I know right?! It was a good day and I'm glad he convinced me to do it. I'm a lot open to things these days and it is making these hard days more bearable.

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