
Friday, September 21, 2018

Paris: Sienne River Cruise & Eiffel Tower


The following day we had a late start as we had a little too much fun the night before. By the time we were ready to begin the day it was lunch time so we went on the hunt for some lunch. We ended up at Au Petit Suisse and yum! I wanted to snag a seat outside (to have that full Paris experience) but all the seats were completely filled. We quickly learned that outside seating is prime real estate in Paris and that the early bird gets the worm. Beautiful weather equaled eating/drinking outside. I think I should also mention that Sean has never been one to enjoy eating outside. I know! Is he insane or what? If it were up to him we would always sit at the bar. But our trip to Paris completely changed him and for the first time he was the one requesting to eat outside. The thing is that it’s a completely different experience dining in Paris and I believe that it changes you, not exaggerating. We joked a lot on our trip about how our date nights at restaurants have a lot to live up to now. At night, we would do bar crawls and I would request (yes, me!) to be at the bar that way I could talk to as many locals and tourists as I possibly could.



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After lunch we walked around a bit but we didn’t have much time to explore as we needed to head
back to our hotel to get ready for our Sienne River Cruise and Eiffel Tower tour.

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We left our hotel a little earlier that way we could walk around before getting on the bus that was taking us to the boat.

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It was such an incredible experience to be able to take a boat down the Sienne River. It truly was such a gorgeous sight to behold! I think that whenever we have a chance to do a boat ride, Sean and I always book one. It’s just such a great and fun way to take in the sights of whatever place you’re visiting, and you get tidbits of information that you may not have gotten otherwise.




This view ♥


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After our cruise, we were on our way to the Eiffel Tower and man, what I felt can’t be explained. To see just how majestic it is in person. To realize that it truly is massive and not at all the size like the one in Las Vegas, haha. I think I took a picture of every which angle I could because I was finally, finally having a dream of mine come true. We went inside the tower and I was so excited to touch the steel and kept telling myself, you’re touching the Eiffel Tower. You’re TOUCHING the FREAKING EIFFEL TOWER. I never did get that infamous shot of me next to the Eiffel Tower or the opportunity to have lunch with a full view of the Eiffel Tower but that just means I have another excuse to go. I actually have a ton of excuses already noted on paper ;).


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Life made.


  1. I love this so much!! Paris is such an amazing place and I completely agree about the outdoor dining. We got to eat outside at a few places when we were there and there's just something about it. Your food shots are always so amazing and I love your perspective! If you don't mind me asking, what lens do you use for dining pics? I have a 24mm but not sure I'm in love with it. Sierra Beautifully Candid

    1. Thank you so much! It truly is! I can't wait to experience it again!

      Of course I don't mind :). I use a 24-70 mm lens from canon and absolutely love it as it is so versatile! Thanks again!

  2. Oh how I loved all the outdoor dining in Paris. Better to be near all the pretty architecture and people watching. The cruise river cruise looks amazing. Such beautiful views...of everything.

    1. So did I! I want that lifestyle everyday, haha.

  3. I'm not social enough to sit at the bar. I only do that when there is legit no other place to sit and I'm starving. I'm glad he took the time to enjoy sitting outside in Paris at least.

    Do you know French? (your comment about speaking to the locals).

    The Eiffel Tower looks amazing. I loved all your photos Faith.

    1. I use to feel that way but now I enjoy it a lot but mostly because of Sean. He loves to sit at the bar so we would compromise but now I really enjoy it and ask to sit at the bar whenever we can't sit outside.

      Well, not fluently but I learned the basics prior to going. I studied for a little over 3 months and it helped us so much! Sean was so impressed, lol.

      Thank you! It was so incredible in person.


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