
Friday, January 16, 2015

Big Thanks.

I just wanted to thank you all from the bottom of my heart. It truly was not an easy thing to share and I’ve debated sharing but this is a huge part of my life right now and it just felt strange blogging here knowing there was this huge elephant in my life. But the way you guys just gave me strength and sent prayers for our moms made me realize that I did the right thing by sharing. I shed several tears reading your comments and I just want you to know just how much all of you mean to me. I’ve been really bad with responding to comments (I’m going to change that!) but just know that I read and appreciate every single one of them.

I am feeling pretty good right now. This week was a good week. I felt lighter and almost like a burden has been lifted. My niece had her 2nd birthday party (yeah, how is she already two?!) which I will share soon and we just had a great time. Life is so precious and only keeps moving quicker so I’m trying very hard to just enjoy the days that I do have, and the days that are good, I do not take them for granted anymore.

Tomorrow is my nephew’s birthday party (he is 5!) and I’m excited to see my family again. I miss them all the time.

We moved into the house on the 3rd and we’re still in the process of packing up the apartment and unpacking at the house. The only two rooms fully unpacked in our house is our kitchen and our bathroom. Lots of work to be done and lots of boxes which our cat is very grateful for. I must say that I really love our house. It feels like home even with all our crap lying about.

Before we moved, I donated tons and tons of clothes, shoes and jewelry. I just have so much and after a while it became too much. There was no reason for me to have all this stuff that I rarely used. Some things I never wore or wore once which is such a waste but I know there will be a few happy people out there :). My sisters were also very happy with some pieces I gave to them. If I really loved it and knew one of my sisters would, I gave it to them. It felt really good to just let go of these items. I don’t even think I’ll miss them.

So life right now is trying to get the house together, little by little. We’ve been busy the last several weekends which is the reason for the delay, but we’ll get there, eventually.

I hope that next week I’ll post a few times just to get myself moving in the right direction since one of the things I want to do this year is blog more. So I’m going to have to hold myself to that next week. Crossing fingers.

I hope that you all had great weeks and that you have even greater weekends.
And again thank you from the bottom of my heart XOXO ♥


  1. Glad life is chugging along and that you are feeling lighter than you did before. I guess that's how it works. Slowly but surely. I had a ton of stuff too. After a while you realize how pointless it is. I got rid of a bunch of things and it did feel good. Now I just have to take them to goodwill.

  2. I am glad you are happier/lighter this week :) No! I can't believe she's 2- I'm excited to see all the adorable pictures you took. (& a most happy birthday to your nephew).

    I still can't believe I couldn't remember that you had a cat... but aside from that- I'm glad you're getting mostly settled in and the random updates you send me when you buy decor!

    You sound like me. I like my closet get extremely full, and then I seem to purge everything all at once. It nice to feel "new" again.

  3. My heart continues to be with you and your family, Faith, and I'm glad you had a good week. I hope things continue coming together with your home and that you enjoy your nephew's birthday. Life is definitely precious.

  4. So happy to hear you're feeling better. It definitely is a process but we are going to make it this year with more happy days than sad ones! :)

  5. I'm so happy our comments made you feel loved Faith! I'm keeping you guys in my prayers. Can't wait to see pics of the house! We are slowly searching for a home now and it is such a process- just even getting an appointment with our bank has been a process! Lol. I'm glad you love your home! Have a great weekend. :)

  6. *kisses* #thatisall because why? I can and you know exactly what it mean =D


  7. I'm so glad you're feeling a little better, Faith. I've been keeping your mom and Sean's mom in my prayers and will continue to do so. Hugs... :)

  8. Oh Faith. I just now read your previous post.

    You and Sean are both so strong, and you're going to get through this. I'll definitely say some prayers for both your Mom's!

    It's hard to get hit from both sides, trust me I know.
    The spring after Ryan and I got married, my Nana passed away. Then his grandma passed away the following month. It was really hard but we had faith, we had family, and we had each other. And we got through it.

    Just make the most of out of this time you have - and I'm praying/hoping you have LOTS of time left with both of them. Life is precious so don't waste it!


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