
Tuesday, January 2, 2018

This blog is 8 today ♥


Today is my blogiversary and if I’m to be honest I almost forgot. Normally I would have thought about what to write, etc, but unfortunately I’m not prepared. I just celebrated 1000 posts a few weeks ago so I don’t think I have much more to add to that. I’m pretty excited that my blog turns 8 today and am still in shock that I’ve been blogging for 8 years. What started as a way to get me out of the post wedding planning blues turned into a journal of my life journey of the last 8 years. Anyway, Happy 8th birthday, Life.Love&Marriage. Maybe one day I’ll change my blog name, but until then ...


  1. I love that photo!! It evokes a sense of calm and peace. Perhaps you could consider selling your photos.....

    Happy 8th year Blogaversary!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Happy 8 years Faith's blog ;) <3

  3. I love anniversaries! Happy Blog anniversary. My favorite post of yours is still the one where you innocently wore the marijuana leaf t-shirt because your mom had no clue! It still makes me laugh.

  4. Happy Blogiversary! I love it that you acknowledge all the years you have put into it. It's really pretty awesome, because a lot of people quit a long time ago. Your post always makes me think of how long I've been at it (although not consistently). I think I'll be going on 9 this year.


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