
Monday, August 30, 2010

The Weekend

On Saturday, I was suppose to go to the hubby's rugby game but my little sister asked if I would watch my nephew and since I am slightly obsessed with him, I quickly said yes.

Now that he is 8 months old, he is stronger and louder. Boy, is he loud! He is crawling and standing with some assistance of anything he can hold on to. My sister brought his playpen which I must say was a saver. He spent most of his time on the couch, climbing on me, and punching my face BUT as soon as he started diving for the floor, I had no choice but to place him in his playpen.

My parents dropped my little sister off to college and on their way back home they dropped by to say hi. It was awesome to see them and to watch my parents with my nephew. Makes you kind of see how your parents were with you as a child, although, my mother did say something to the effect of worrying about your grandchild even more than your own child. She says that she loves her children but the love you feel for your grandchild is very different. I get it. It is your child's child.

Here are tons of pictures I took of the little love of my life. Tell me the first one doesn't just kill you!

I think he was getting annoyed with me taking pictures.

He started getting better with it and the flash stopped bothering him too much!

He makes me want a little boy!

Saturday night, we headed to Saratoga for Travers weekend. This is a huge weekend in Saratoga. Everyone and their mama is out! People spend all day & night at the track. It is pretty eventful and a lot of fun.

Here is a picture of me drinking a margarita before heading out:

and of course my car pic!

Sunday afternoon, we headed to Turning Stone for a couple of hours. When we do not have anything to do we just drive there. It is less than a 2 hr ride and is a lot of fun. I think what amazes me more than anything is seeing people spend soooo much money and lose it all. How in the world do they do that? I would cry hysterically and beg for my money back. But they always don't have an expression. I sometimes wonder if they realize that there groceries for the year is gone.

My car pics!

Tried to get the hubby's gorgeous arms in the pic! ;)

You can tell I begged the hubby to take this pic of the both of us. He was in a "I don't want to take any pictures today" mood.

All in all, it was a good weekend. Hope you all had good weekends too!


  1. Absolutely adorable nephew and I love the blue tank top!

  2. adorable nephew, you, and your hubby :)

  3. Your nephew is so cute! Looks like you two had a fun weekend. I don't know how people gamble. They MUST well they SHOULD have it to loose.

  4. um...i want to steal your nephew and adopt him...too cute!

  5. I literally almost spit out my tea when I saw that first picture of your nephew- those eyes! those teeth! those little legs! Of course you are obsessed with him, I think I am too now! And on a totally different note- that blue tank top... um, can I borrow it for the rest of the year? Thanks, you are a sweetheart.

  6. aww the Baby is so cute, you too ;)

  7. J gets in those moods -- the I don't want to take a picture today kind -- I ignore them =) Your nephew is a doll!
    PS I'm glad we got some car pictures =)

  8. Those are super adorable pics! What a beautiful kiddo!!!! Can I have him for a couple days?

    You were totally rocking the outfit w/the margarita! YES! The top is a super gorgeous color, and looked fab on you!

    P.S. those are some seriously manly arms! Does he work out? haha ;)

    Glad you had a great weekend!

  9. Tami, you can def. borrow! What is mine is yours! ;)

    Steph, hahaha, you crack me up! I am going to tell hubby about his arms ... he will have a big head for the rest of the week! :)

  10. Awww you guys are just too cute for words Faith!

  11. Ah, the precious baby is adorable. I love the way babies smell, he's so cute.

    WOw, you look great too, love your hair styles :D


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