Two of my best friends are pregnant. It kinda makes me want to get pregnant that way I can have them for support & vice versa. I think the best thing in the world would be to go through something as exciting as that with a friend you absolutely adore. Someone who understands why you are being a b!tch, why you are worried about weight gain, why your husband's food choices make you sick, literally. And why the smells you normally love make you want to pull your nose off.
How fun it would be to go shopping together for baby clothes, to come up with decorating ideas for a nursery, pick names together, maybe even vomit together. That would make vomiting not so upsetting, you know.
I am not ready but if I was I would make hubby make me pregnant now. Just so that I could share the experience with my besties.
I think I just might be going crazy. A little. I blame it on the cold weather.
1 day ago
Congratulations to your friends! Yes, it would be fun to go through it with friends. But this way they can give you lots of advice that they learned first :)
ReplyDeleteI rushed on over here as soon as I saw the heading thinking you were preggers. LOL. COngrats to your friends. And I totally agree with you--it would make the process so much sweeter going through it with a friend AND your kids would grow up together too :)
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ReplyDeleteMost of my friends have children now. I never felt like wanting to have children at the same time, because I live away from many of them and I wasn't ready to have children when they were.
Instead I've always thought about having my children around the same time or two years apart as my sister. Now she is getting married and I've been married for five+ years so I want to get pregnant, she can keep up later :).
But I understand your feeling about getting pregnant at the same time as your friends for support and encouragement. And the secret only pregnant women can share - having a life living in your womb :).
Awe, thats sweet. Just think at least you know what you have to look forward to when its your turn. My best friend had a baby a couple months ago and I'm def getting my practice in for sure lol
ReplyDeleteCongrats to your friends! I totally know what you're feeling. My two best friends are waiting for ME to get pregnant so they can get on the baby bandwagon. My one close friend got pregnant in October, however suffered a miscarriage. When she was pregnant we talked about how I should get pregnant cuz it would be so much fun to be preggors together. Like you said- someone to share the moments with. Good luck to your friends and when you're ready you can join them too!
ReplyDeleteI've got 12 friends preggers now!! but i have no desire to walk that walk right now :)
ReplyDeleteNone of my really close friends are pregnant, but I got to be pretty good friends with a girl whose due with her son right now because of our pregnancies. It is nice to have someone who knows what you're going through, but even if none of your friends are pregnant with you, the ones that have been can still be sympathetic.
ReplyDeleteAlso, nothing makes vomiting better but it is nice to know that other people get sick too lol :P
This is sooo true! MissHammy said the same thing to me.. i joked that i'd beat her bc she'd probably get knocked up with the flip or a light switch. haha :)
ReplyDeleteI can totally understand! I was the first one amongst my friends to get pregnant and although I had a wonderful pregnancy experience, there were moments when I wished that someone in my inner circle could REALLY relate. Now that my son is 2, they are all getting pregnant and asking me for input. Congrats to your friends!
ReplyDeleteOh I am not the person to be commenting right so as I have crazy baby fever going on. I'm seriously drawing up designs for the nursery already!! Not cool. I'm ready "biological clock" wise. But not in any other way. :) Just you wait.. your friends will have some crazy awesome advice for you when your time comes. :)
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with you! I think it'd be SO fun to be pregnant with a bestie!
ReplyDeleteI hear you Faith. My best friend has two kids, sisters both have children there are a few of us still without children but I'm getting baby fever too. Especially as I approach the big 30. The Mister told me this know I want to have kids right just out of know where it was sweet. Sometimes I joke around and see babies and say make me one of those. I'm not ready yet either. Congrats to you girlfriends and enjoy this time with just the two of you.
ReplyDeleteI'm with you on this. Most my friends have kids already (last year was the "season"). Only one or two are still waiting... like me :) I think I would enjoy being pregnant together with my girlfriends.
ReplyDeleteI think that too sometimes since everybody I know is popping out babies.
ReplyDeleteYour not crazy. I have 3 girlfriends that are pregnant right now. I had to decide if I was trying to get pregnant now because I wanted to or if I was doing it because of them. After months of thinking about, it just happened that they all got pregnant when the hubby and I decided to start trying. I think that it just makes it hard when others are and you are either trying or the urge starts when others are. Enjoy being a friend and being supportive of their process. They will sure return the favor later on.
ReplyDeleteOne of my besties is moving to North Carolina at the same time I am this summer. We both plan on having babies in 2012 so hopefully God agrees with our plan and we get to be preggers together!
ReplyDeleteI had a friend who was 3 or 4 months ahead of me in her pregnancy when I got preggo with my first. And it was her second pregnancy! So she was SUPER helpful. She didn't mind when I had to put the phone down to run go throw up. She had tons of good advice and always made sure I was drinking tons of water.
ReplyDeleteAw, I know the feeling! None of my friends are pregnant BUT the mommy hormones are taking over me lately! I'm constantly thinking of babies! It's defintely not the right time for me and my husband though either. Maybe we should coordinate? LOL! Kidding :)
ReplyDeleteoh I know how you feel! I adopted my boys but my friends are all pregnant at the same time together... and it makes me kinda want to share their experience!
ReplyDeleteI understand what you are saying bc my biological clock (whatever that means) has been going haywire around cute kids lately. Its like being in a buffet where you just want to take them home, which creeps & entertains the hell out of my relatives and girlfriends. Then I think about all that it takes to be a parent and how you will be stuck with a leech for 18+ yrs who'll just permanently screw up your thanks.
ReplyDeleteI'm not ready either. Maybe we can get preggers around the same time (in like ten years), and be pregnant blogging buddies. Heh heh heh. ;)