
Monday, June 10, 2013

The Good.


With everything in the news lately it takes a lot to be positive. To be able to see the good in people; the good in the world. It takes a lot of work. It just continues to remind me that the only true good is God.

And life. Life is full of so many questions. So many what ifs? No certainty at all.

The news reminds me that life is short. That within a blink of an eye everything we know can change. That those words may be the last words spoken. The last meal eaten. The last hug. The last “I love you". The last “goodbye”.

That is scary. There is nothing comforting in thinking this. In knowing this.

So every day, no matter how much I see in the news. All the bad I see in the world, I have to remind myself that it is only temporary. That if I try to see the good; if I choose to be the good then I have already lived a life worth living. And then the scary thoughts disappear ... until the next day, when I have to remind myself of all the things I told myself yesterday.


  1. This is such a sweet post, you are totally right it does take a lot to stay positive but we have too! Each day should be lived to its best! Happy Monday love!


  2. I agree that there are so many horrible things that happen in the world, and so many unfair things that happen to good people. It can be hard to stay positive and hopeful at times, but like you, I try to see the good and be the good.

  3. I seldom even watch the news anymore, because it just f*cks with my head too much.

    Seeing the good and positive in any situation is really all you can do. Give our fears to God and just be.

  4. I constantly have to remind myself that at any moment EVERYTHING and anything can be taken. Those are the moments where I'm filled with such gratitude for life and the people in it. It sucks that we have to constantly remind ourselves but I rather that than to live stuck on the negatives!


  5. I couldn't agree more, it's so important to be positive in spite of it all.

  6. Very very well said Faith. In a world that's filled with evil it's important to acknowledge the good. The good of the world just doesn't get credit enough, sometimes I think that we focus too much on the bad and not enough on the good. I'm sorry to hear that certain things go remind you and bring you down though Faith, like you say it's a good idea to just focus on the positives.

  7. It's so hard. Daily. It is a struggle to see the good, but when you do, its glorious.

  8. i was thinking of this just yesterday, thinking about my mom's recent health scare and how it could've gone the other way. and how we really don't know what the future will be like and I need to enjoy each day!

  9. Just the other day I had someone pay for my order at the Chick-Fil-A drive thru..I decided to return the favor and pay for the person behind me as well. It reminded me there ARE good people in the world, sometimes we are just so blinded by all the hate and negativity we forget it. I hate watching the news, everyday now I hear about someone getting killed or some massive shooting.

  10. I need that reminder when I keep hearing about all the bad. Thanks sweet friend. (o:

  11. faith, I am sitting here wide awake and feeling the exact words you wrote. I couldn't agree more. <3<3<3

  12. that's so sweet... i couldn't agree more. *smile*

  13. It's so easy to get caught up in the negative.
    Life really IS good.

  14. LOVE THIS! :) You're definitely one of the "goods" in my life!

  15. you are so right. i remind myself of the same things. big hugs to you!

  16. I often wish there was a news channel with nothing but good news :) The world could see a more positive change!

  17. This is so true, cherish every moment, every minute, every blessing. Life is too short


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