
Thursday, November 15, 2018

Thursday Thankful List


Ahh, November. The month that reminds everyone to stop and list what it is that they are thankful for. I’ll have to admit that this year really has been the year of non-stop thinking and feeling. With everything going on in our world, especially politically, it has been near impossible for me to shut it all out. It’s in your face whether you want it to be or not. I’ve been so disappointed, hurt, heartbroken and disgusted about so much of it but I am choosing to allow hope and optimism remain a part of who I am.

Because I have so, so much to be thankful for.

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First and foremost, I am thankful for God. He truly has been where my peace comes from. He is the reason I can smile even when it sometimes feels like I am nothing, I have nothing and that I’ve accomplished nothing. He always finds a way to speak truth to my soul and lets me know that the voices are lies and that He sees my purpose and knows what my future holds.

I am thankful for Sean, thankful for our 9th year of marriage (Nov 6th y'all!) & thankful that I have someone who knows just how to love me. I don’t think I’ll ever have the right words to explain how thankful I am to him but I truly hope that daily I show it.

I am thankful for my sisters. Boy, do they keep me sane! When I think I’m about to lose it they always have a way of bringing me back to the center. I’m thankful for sisters who always, always keep it real and who are not afraid to let you know when you’ve crossed the line.

I am thankful to my mom for the love she bestowed on me while she was here. The way she taught me about the importance of speaking positivity into our lives. The way she showed me what a true follower of Christ looks like. She is the epitome of all that I hope to be one day and I’m glad that she was the example I was able to see for 32 years of my life.

I am thankful for my dad who has really tried so hard to take on a new role since my mom passed away.

I am thankful for the amount of travel I am able to do each year. I am well aware that not many people are able to do this so I am incredibly grateful for the travel opportunities I’ve been able to have.

I am thankful for friends that keep me laughing and connected. Friends that you can have deep conversations with, share secrets with, with no fear of judgment.

I am thankful for photography as it has allowed me to freeze important and special moments in time.

I am thankful for the daily sunrise and sunset, foliage, snow covered trees and the crashing of the waves on the beach.

I am thankful for a warm bed to lay my head on, a warm house to fill with flowers and a kitchen to prepare food for myself and loved ones.

I am thankful for furbabies that have become true companions. They aren’t humans (OK, I'm not entirely sure about this) but they are extremely special and the way they love you and forgive you so quickly even if you step on their tail by accident. OK, maybe they aren't humans ;). You know the saying, “Be the person your dog thinks you are” … well, I hope that I am the person they think I am.

I am thankful for life, happiness, laughter, corny dad jokes and a big smile.

I am thankful for you! Truly. It has been a year of a lot of questions. One question being whether I should discontinue this blog. Many of you came out to tell me how much you enjoy and appreciate this space of mine and to be honest, I was and still am shocked. A lot of what you shared put plenty into perspective for me and in the end, I decided that even if not a single person read my blog, it would be OK. Being able to document my journey is truly a blessing in itself and I’m thankful that I can jot down memories, thoughts and everything in between. Life is a beautiful mess and it is an honor to be able to share it.

Now tell me. What it is that you’re thankful for?


  1. You have inspired to do a thankful post. I'm thankful that God's mercies are new every morning because alot of things aren't and I'm thankful for new about 5 months i'll be holding a new life in my hands.

    1. I'm glad to read this! Looking forward to reading your thankful post :) Omgoodness! That's great news! Congrats!!!

  2. So much to be thankful for. I'm thankful that you decided to keep blogging :-)

    1. Yes, agreed!

      Aww, thank you :) I hope you had a wonderful weekend!

  3. I love this list you put together. It's so nice to be able to reflect on things and document them. You have such a beautiful soul and I can always appreciate visiting your space. I'm so happy you've decided to keep blogging. Sierra Beautifully Candid

    1. Thank you so much! Yes, I completely agree. When you do, you see that you have far more to be grateful for than you realized. I truly appreciated your advice on that post, thank you :)

  4. I'm glad you have so many things to be thankful for and also the awareness to be truly grateful for everything in your life. You and Sean have been on such an AMAZING travel roll. My travels have slowed down, BUT I am thankful that I already had so much travel under my belt that I'm ok with that. For now. I've questioned the shut down of my blog many times...and probably will continue to do so now and then. I'm glad you're sticking with it.

    1. I'm grateful too :) It was such a good travel year and I'm so glad we were able to have such a good travel year. You purchased a brand new house so travels slowing down is completely part of the deal. The good thing is that it won't be slowed down forever. Yes, please continue to blog. You are one of the few left and I like being able to know that you're not gone, haha.

  5. First of all I LOVE these pictures of you, and your jacket (where did you get it!?)

    I agree it is in all our faces whether we want it to be or not. Whether its the presidency, supreme court, or even your own work place- it seems like the most awful people get on top. I'm not sure why that is- but God has a purpose in all things. He has a way of making wrong things right, and opening peoples eyes.

    I loved reading through your thankful list- (I'll be posting mine after Thanksgiving, I need some photos to go along with the words.. lol). I love and adore reading and talking with you about your family and friends- I almost feel like I know them personally as well. Thank you so much for all the times you've encouraged me, gave me advice, and nerded out over camera gear with me. I love you and I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

    1. Thank you so much! I got it on ASOS last year!

      He truly does have a purpose in all things and with this presidency a lot of eyes have been opened so that is a good thing.

      I'm looking forward to reading it! You are the very best. I'm glad that I have a person to nerd out over camera gear with, haha. I love you and hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving too!

  6. Psalm 92:1: "It is good to give thanks unto Jehovah, and to sing psalms unto thy name, O Most High".


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