
Monday, November 22, 2010

Gobble, Gobble, Gobble

The hubs is enjoying the fact that he can lay in bed and watch television, while I clean. He is getting better so I will baby him for one and a half more days and then that's it! Hehe.

We are having both our families over to our house for Thanksgiving. I don't know what we were thinking. It is going to be crazy and our first time hosting Thanksgiving! 17 people in our small bungalow, oh boy! Let's hope we can seat everyone. I don't think anyone really wants to eat turkey standing up.

I am excited regardless. It is going to be nice to have my family and my in laws together, under one roof.

We have two turkeys in the fridge that my mom insisted had to be seasoned tonight. Unfortunately, they are still frozen so that isn't going to work. I didn't tell her because she would say I didn't listen, haha. I will do it tomorrow and pray she doesn't notice when she gets here.

I'm also hoping that my turkey(s) will end up looking like the golden, brown, delicious picture below, because if they don't I won't be able to share pictures. And you all know just how much I love to share pictures. Good thing, I have two chances to make it right, hehe.

{picture found via google images or here}

Any who, I am going to be a busy bee (as I am sure everyone else will be) for the next few days so I just want to wish everyone a fantastic Thanksgiving Day.


  1. very ambitious young lady! i hope your turkey's are a success! You have mom to help too so it should be all good. hope your poor hubby is feeling 100% by turkey day, poor guy.

  2. Good luck hosting the holiday! I have a feeling we will be doing the same next year because of the baby, so I might be asking you for advice on how to handle hosting! :)

  3. Good luck with everything. I'm sure you will do well. That is big task that I hope I will never have to take on. I know it's horrible but it's too much work. I'd have to hire help. LOL.

  4. Wow!!! 17 people and 2 turkeys? I can't wait to read your post on how it all went. Have fun!!!!

  5. You are one brave lady! Two turkeys?! Wow... I'm terrified to cook one for our Christmas dinner with friends in two weeks!!
    I'm sure yours will come out wonderfully! Be sure to post some turkey prepping tips!! lol.

  6. Thank you and you as well. I hope it all comes together nicely. 17 people is a task but I'm sure you'll have good help.

    By the way, can you give a post about your transition? Reasons etc? I'm curious

  7. Good luck cooking Thanksgiving dinner!! I am not yet brave enough to take on that task -- I will continue to go to the parent's =)

  8. good luck cooking the 2 turkeys! can't wait to see pics. this year is going to be another visit to our boss' house for us, so i don't have a turkey to cook (yet). we ended up buying a small one for ourselves last black friday, we'll probably do the same :) enjoy thanksgiving!

  9. Wow good luck! I'm only making one dessert and I don't even want to do that, ha!

  10. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, hun! Sometimes a big family crowded into a home is the coziest thing ever! Make sure to share photos - I cannot wait to see the results of your cooked birdie! :D

  11. Hosting your first Thanksgiving is exciting! You will do fine and you better be glad I don't have your moms number because I would so tell on you :)! I hope it thaws out by tomorrow!!

  12. Happy Thanksgiving! Good luck with the delinquent turkey :) That is a lot of people- brave woman!!


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