
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

A Few Things I've "Learned" From This Election

Before I begin, I want you to know that I am going to thread as lightly as possible with this post. Why? Because I have tons of readers who may not agree with me and quite frankly some of them are people that I absolutely love and do not wish to offend. Also it is always cupcakes, ice cream, shoes, butterflies and all things nice on this blog so I'm about to switch things up. As sweetly as possible.

You may not agree with me. You may click the un-follow button. You may decide I'm the wisest person ever (most likely not). You may stick around even if you do not agree with me because you know that I am not here to piss you off. I would say spare me the comments that tell me how wrong I am or how un-Christianlike I am but I actually want to hear what you have to say. I ask one thing, be respectful.

OK, here we go. May the odds be ever in my favor.

1. Democrats are lazy.

I've had a job since I was 13. Yes, 13. Doing what you may ask. Doing hair. At 10 years old I decided that I wanted to be my sister's hairstylist and it is what I became. At 13, people began asking my sisters and friends, "Who did your hair?" And they would say, "My sister" or "My friend Faith". Before you knew it I was doing everyone's hair and getting paid for it. Some weekends I would make $250.00 and at 13 years old that was pretty incredible.

From that time, I became quite independent. At 16, I was a camp counselor. When I went to college I worked. When I graduated, I worked two jobs. When I wanted a fabulous wedding, I got a second job. When I wanted a promotion, I worked harder and got the promotion. My point is that not all Democrats are lazy. Every single thing I have, I worked my behind for. The government is not paying my bills. I learned early on about working hard because my immigrant father came to this country with $100.00 in his pocket. He worked his behind off. He got his PHD in engineering. Became the first black person at his job to be hired for an extremely coveted position and made a lot of money, the type of money you want to be making today. My mom was a SAHM with 4 children living in NYC so we were not poor. I learned that if you want something you work for it. I'm not lazy. I learned how not to be a long time ago. And wait for it ............................. I'm a Democrat.

2. Leadership respect is not so common.

OK, I've always voted democratic. So when President Bush won his second term I was not so happy. But never, and I repeat never did I call him a name that I couldn't say in front of my parents. Why? I was taught that no matter who is in leadership you respect them. If you don't like what they are doing you pray for them. Never and I repeat never ever utter a bad word about someone in leadership. Do you know why my parents taught us that because the bible taught them that. I was amazed to see how many people I respect and love were bashing Mr. President. Calling him names like Moron. A$$hole. Muslim. Dumba$$. And my favorite, "He's not my President." Lots more but my sisters read this blog and I don't want them telling my parents that I'm being all sorts of crazy on the Internet. Moving along, and we wonder why America isn't where we want it to be. First learn to respect your leaders. Oh, but it needs to be earned you say. And to this, I say, he earned it. Which leads me to my next one.

3. Research.

Stop quoting others. Stop watching only one channel. Get your information by seeking it from ALL places. Sean laughs at me because I watch everything. Everything. Yes, even Fox News. But I have never taken anyone's word for anything because after I learned something disturbing I actually went and checked to see if it was true. You'd be so surprised what you learn when you step outside of your comfort zone. As uncomfortable as it may make you, do it. Especially now. America needs us.

4. The only reason black people voted for President Obama is because he's black.

Yes, that is true. Same truth that some people voted for Mitt Romney just because he is white. I have many black friends who voted for Mitt Romney. Why? They thought he was the better candidate. I also have white friends who voted for President Obama. Why? They thought he was the better candidate. I did not vote for President Obama because he is black. I voted for him because for me he is the better man for the job. I agree more with Democratic policies than I do with Republican policies. Always have and maybe always will. My point is, I'm already waiting for #Hillary2016 and she is white and so is her husband. Oh and so is my husband so obviously I don't only like black people.

(I hope you know that last line is just to make you smile. Not smiling? Sorry.)

5. If you're a Democrat you are obviously not a true Christian.

This one is my favorite. I'm a Christian. This does not mean that it gives me the right to spew all sorts of hateful stuff. Who am I? Who are you? Are you God? I "loved" it when I would hear someone say all sorts of hateful stuff like, "God allowed Hurricane Sandy to happen to let those blue states know they are sinners. God does not like sinners." And then the next day they say, "God is using me in so many ways." "Sunday service was amazing, my pastor spoke right to my heart." Or "Let God's will be done". And then President Obama is elected President again and you're all, "I hate him, worst President ever."

I'm calling bull. Complete bull. You can't have it both ways. Either you're an amazing Christian or you're a complete, sad excuse for a Christian. Stop giving us all a bad name. If you think Christ is going to say what you just said, then say it. Until then keep your lips tight. Better for all Christians everywhere. This leads me to:

5. The economy is more important than social issues.

OK, yeah. Right. I agree that the economy is not where it ought to be. But my research has shown me that the economy is better than it was 4 years ago. And Sean's and I's 401K has skyrocketed in the last year. Do the research, you'll be surprised what you find.

OK, back to social issues. God gave me free will. God gave you free will. He did that because He wants us to make our own choices whether He likes it or not. We don't serve Him because He is making us do it, we serve Him because we want to do it. Same goes for what a person wants to do with their own lives. If someone wants to have an abortion, let them. If someone wants to marry a person of their own gender, let them. It's a decision they can make because God gave us free will. Stop pushing your convictions down other's throats. It is NOT the way God works.

Not too long ago, Sean and I would be arrested for being married and I'm not down with that un-equality. Equality for all or equality for none. And I'm a Christian, sue me. If someone said during the Civil Rights Movement that I am more concerned with my economy than I am with your basic human rights I'm pretty sure we would have given them the side-eye. Don't get the side-eye now.

6. People hate welfare.

I am not oblivous. I do not live in Utopia. I am aware when I'm checking out that someone has the iPhone 5 and is paying for their food with food stamps. Trust me, it irks me. IT IRKS ME! Something needs to be done about this because it is so not OK that I have to wake up early, get my behind to work and continue to do it everyday in order to ensure that I have food on my table and fabulous clothes to wear. BUT I also know a single mother, with 3 children (because she did not ABORT them) who works three jobs and still can't make ends meet. So how can I turn a blind eye when I know that there are people in this world who really need help. You know what? I live well. We didn't buy the biggest house on the block that way we can go out to eat whenever we want. Travel whenever we want. So if that means you take a little from me that way someone out there who really needs help, gets help, I'm down with that. I am so down with that.

7. Don't be just because your family is, your friends are, your favorite blogger is, because it's what you've known all your life.

If that was the case, I would for sure be a Republican. No joke.

No matter how much this election made you happy or got you screaming like a crazy there is one thing for certain. We are living in a trying time. Life is hard. But it can be better. We have GOT to start working together because if we continue down this road America isn't going to be the land that our forefathers intended it to be.

Be better than your political affliations. Be better than your world. Be better than you ever thought you could be.

We can do it. Are you?


  1. Political affiliations aside: I'm proud of my country, and I'm proud of my President!
    This speech made me love you all the more! :)


  2. Great post!!

    Me personally, I vote for people--not parties. Some things I agree with the Dems on--some things I agree with Repubs. It works for me!

  3. Thank you for writing so respectfully about this issue, Faith :) You have managed to articulate what irked me the most about this election. You cannot be Christian if you vote Democrat. Absolute BS. I have clicked a few unfollow buttons over the past few days simply because intolerance is not my cup of tea. Bless your heart!

  4. This was very well said and very well written Faith. You were kind and respectful and honest and I love that! This was the first year that I had to look at why I voted what party that I did and to my surprise, it was much different than before. Sadly, I'm too scared to tell my family that I'm not as conservative as they are, but at least I'm not voting in ignorance or just because it's what they've told me to do my whole life.

    I have concerns and things that sadden me, but I would have felt the same way if Romney had been elected. The thing I've hated the most and continue to as I've seen my Facebook wall this morning, is how nasty "Christians" have gotten in this election. Oh, they are so missing it. )o: Though I'm a Christian, I just don't want to be like that!

    Thanks for sharing Faith!

  5. Well said, my friend.
    No matter who is president, we need to pray for our leader & the decisions he makes! Obama or Romney ~ ...I've never known everyone in this country to agree on one thing/person!
    I just wish EVERYONE would have rocked their vote!

    This is a great post!!

  6. Very well said, Faith! I agree!

  7. I love this. I wouldn't say I'm a staunch Republican or Democrat. I appreciate what both sides can offer. I think this post is awesome because you were able to state your beliefs eloquently. Beautifully done Faith.

    And props to your dad and mom! =)

  8. Hi Faith,

    I've been following your blog for some time (I've been lazy with my own for some time as well). This was a very well written post and I couldn't agree more. As a southern raised woman, it is refreshing to be reminded that the sometimes overly oppressive views of many of my neighbors is not the norm.

    God Bless

  9. you wrote very well. i just have a question about your free will stance. how far does that go? e.g you wrote God doesn't push his will on us , we have free will. So when you wrote "if someone wants to have an abortion" let them. would you say the same thing about everything else? e.g "if someone wants to shoot their neighbour, let them"? or "if someone wants to own a slave, let them"? Just wondering if your "let them" theory has any limits. and if it does have limits, where do you draw the line? Someone i know said "as long as you're not hurting anybody" that should be the line drawn. but many people would argue that killing your child is actually "hurting somebody" because it involves someone else's life. same way some people oppose death penalty because it involves someone else's life. Anyhoo. I like what you said about the "no reason to spew hate". I found a lot of hate being spewed by both sides, which is why i don't like either party. I don't think its cool to call someone a redneck or 'uncle tom' because they're republican. or say that hurricane sandy hit new york because its a democrat state. that's all kinds of ridiculousness. I went to vote yesterday and the woman who handed my ballot told me who to vote for. then when i went to submit the ballot, she told me 'you'd better vote democrat because you're black'. But when I reported it, no one did anything. nothing. If it had been the reverse, and someone had told me to vote for Romney, it would have made the news. I was just so appalled with this election. so disgusted with both sides that I couldn't even feel happy with the result no matter what the result would have been. I wish this was a true multiparty system and that more options had been available.

  10. i feel like i'm a bad american because truly i had strong opinions about either candidate. so now i'm not upset or happy, im just the same as i was yesterday. haha. the only thing i truly care about is healthcare, as of now my husband can stay on his parents insurance (lame I know), but he has type 1 diabetes and there is no way that we can qualify right now as students for the healthcare that we need to cover his costs, so i'm happy with how things are. i agree with you though girl. have a great day and i hope you had a fantastic anniversary!


  11. @naija - Hello!

    "If someone wants to shoot their neighbour, let them"? or "if someone wants to own a slave, let them"?

    Are people shooting their neighbours? Yes. Do people have slaves? Yes.

    I don't agree with murder or slavery but it is happening. Me going aroung telling a murderer that they shouldn't kill doesn't stop them. Telling a person that they shouldn't have slaves doesn't stop them. Why? They have their own minds. It does not stop it from happening just because I do not like it. But what do I do. I pray. I pray every single day about our world.

    Trust me, I was not happy with a lot of things that was said with both parties. NOT AT ALL. I was very upset to see people in my party stooping so low. But it happened and it will continue to happen until we can stop working against each other BUT for each each.

    At the end of the day, this is how I feel. You can feel the way you believe because it is your right. Your God given right.

    Thanks for your comment. I truly appreciated reading it.

  12. Beautiful and well written.

    The point about free will is lost on many, unless it aligns with theirs.

    I couldn't have said it better (i tried!)

  13. This literally gave me chills. You're amazing, lady and so is this post. I couldn't have said this as well so I'm gonna link back to you on my post today! I couldn't agree with you more. Thanks for putting this out there!

  14. very well written, faith! i could not agree more with ya. as a registered independent, i have to agree you were dead on with every topic. seriously. we have to come together and pray for our nation, our president and each other. its hard to sign onto fb and not get upset over dumb political comments, but i refuse to feed into negativity! our world has enough of that as it is. we're just giving the devil more to play with. hurts my heart. so bad.

    thank you again for posting this with such grace and class. some of our other bloggers need to take some tips. ;)

  15. That's what makes our country strong and who we are out of all the other nations. We can express ourselves without fear. Great points! I'm not affiliated with a particular party- I agree with Dems on many issues (immigration&war etc) and the Rep on others. Thanks for your boldness and I'm still following you xo

  16. My friend. My friend. My friend. This post. I have goosebumps and they won't go away. This was so well written, and while I loved you before, I want to march my butt to NY and give you a big fat hug right now. Seriously. Chills.

    And I absolutely giggled at the "obviously I like white people" comment. :)

  17. It is brave of you to share your opinions! Seems like with so much anonymity there are a lot of trolls who look to attack any and everyone on the internet who doesn't agree with them. (So I keep my cards closer than I care to these days out of fear.) I am a big fan of civility. Just because people don't see eye to eye doesn't mean they can't be respectful and civil to the other. This election taught me that our country needs to work on that big time. It's been so negative and nasty. I'm worn out. I loved your points about free will. I was just talking with my son about that yesterday. Just because someone would make different choices for themselves than we would doesn't give us the right to dictate their lives and opportunity to choose. Free will should be a right and I believe we all deserve it. I don't know how America will get past the racism and hatred this election exposed, I don't. I think that's what has made me the saddest. One person at a time, I suppose. One interaction at a time. I have to keep making baby steps.

  18. I like this post! I am not going to get all into politics on here, I have stayed off all social media with my views but I must say the reactions of the republican party disgust me. We are in a new age and republicans better jump on board or they will be left behind. I am happy for Mr. Obama and I look forward to the next 4 years!


  19. GGGGUUURRRRRLLLLL!!!! You betta' PREACH!!!!


  20. Remember yesterday when you said you weren't sure how, but that you loved me even more? Yeah well, I somehow love you even more than I did yesterday. Didn't think it was possible, but hey- I'll take it. xo

  21. This is great Faith! Even if I was a Romney supporter not one bit of me would hate you for voting for Barack Obama because I know that you're intelligent enough to make a vote based of policies rather than skin colour and I don't even look down on black people who vote for Barack just because of his colour because some people would have voted for Romney just because he's right, race doesn't matter in politics.

    No matter who won in my opinion everybody needs to accept it and make the best of the situation even if Romney had won. I'm pleased that you're happy that Barack won, I think he's a great father and seems to have America on the right track forward, it's been great to hear all about American politics over the last few days, love this post.

  22. Yes. Just..yes. To everything. I'm so relieved for my Southern neighbours with who they chose to be their President.

  23. Faith. This is SO WELL WRITTEN. Beautifully, poignantly written. You did such an excellent job explaining your views without hate and obviously without ignorance.

    I was APPALLED, and frankly a little shocked, by the hate being spread on Twitter last night. I'm grateful - Again - that I'm not on Facebook, so at least I was spared all those opinions..

    I appreciated your take on being a christian and not participating in the christian right hate. You echoed my thoughts. I have a hard time understanding how such a "loving, welcoming, community representing Jesus" justifies such nastiness when it comes to their politics.

    Great post Faith. Kuddos. I personally am fed up with our economic issues - like the rest of America - but I have to do what I can do. Which bottom lines, for me, to work hard and keep supporting and believing in our country.

  24. I. Love. You. Faith, this is THE BEST post I've read. Hands down.

    I've been so disappointed that some bloggers that I follow have used the most hateful and disrespectful language imaginable toward the President. Respect, etiquette and class completely left the building this election. Very sad.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you for this!

  25. Great Post!! I agree with a comment above "You cannot be Christian if you vote Democrat. Absolute BS" I also agree with you about irked about welfare. If we take the positive with both candidates (which both had a lot) and combine them into one person, then we have an ideal president. But of course, that's not reality. Until then, I'm happy with who I voted for. I just hope the next four years we will see change, a change the economy so desperately needs. Congrats Mr. President!

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. I think I see what you're saying now. The titles were just really throwing me off.

  28. LOVE this. You put your views in such a respectful, tasteful manner, unlike so many have done over the last few weeks. I'm thrilled with the results of the election, but would've still shown respect had President Obama not won. I don't think it's too much to ask for others to do the same.

    Thank you for sharing's incredible. Guess we can do that celebratory dance now :)

  29. Nicely said. But some of your headers through me off because some were your real thoughts and others were sarcastic...

  30. @Missez B: Another person said the same thing so I changed Learned to "Learned".

  31. I really love this post! I admit that my heart sunk into my tummy (not that there's much room.... baby girl has taken over that region, ha ha) when all was said and done. But I would NEVER say the horrible, nasty things that people have been spewing on Facebook and Twitter. I am not ashamed to be an American, I am not ashamed to pray for my president, I am not ashamed to support my country (even though I voted for the opponent). I AM ashamed that our "united nation" is so divided right now. That people have put their manners and dignity aside and turned on our country's leader, friends, family, and strangers who think and feel differently than they do. We all need to pull together and continue to help build our country up! The negativity just needs to stop!

  32. faith i love and respect you regardless of party affiliation!

  33. I'm so glad you posted this. A lot of people don't want to go there (including me) so I'm glad that you did. To those that say democrats can't be christian need to realize that the bible says a lot of things; all of which was written about a million years ago. It's 2012. Things change and people need to learn to change along with it.

  34. Great post expressing your views! I am a strong advocate for the less fortunate in our society, and I have very proudly supported President Obama in the last two elections. I don't know if she'll actually run, but if so, am with so you about Hillary 2016!

  35. Very classy post, thank you Faith! I agree, there has been so much negativity and overall rudeness spread on social media regarding both candidates. It is so disheartening when we are supposed to be the UNITED States of America: feel free to respectfully disagree and discuss the issues in a respectful manner, but there is no need to be offensive or tacky.

    I agree that we are to pray continually for our leaders, regardless of who is in position, even if we agree with everything they do or not. And as a fellow Christian, we should all have the understanding that no matter who the president is, Jesus is King! Humans will never be perfect, but God always is :) A huge comfort in that! Thanks for your post, girl!

  36. I am so impressed with you! I think you are the only person who has even attempted to discuss this while being respectful. Thank you! This was very well written and I agree!

  37. Oh, Faith- this is SUCH a wonderfully written post! You have debunked so many Democrat stereotypes in an eloquent and intelligent manner. I agree with so many of your points, especially the ones about Democrats being "unChristian" and respecting the leader of our country.

    I am Catholic and went to Catholic school twelve years. At my all girls high school, they informed us about all of the social injustices of the world, and I think many of us left with much more liberal mindsets. Christians work to help other people, especially those less fortunate than ourselves, and that is something that Democrats tend to be stronger at.

    I have very little tolerance for people bad-mouthing the President of the United States. He is our leader and deserves respect! No one, especially no the POTUS, should be called such names.

    I am so glad this election is over :) I a moderate who voted for Mitt Romney, but it was a very close decision for me. I knew I would be satisfied with either candidate just for different reasons. I am excited to see what President Obama can accomplish with four years under his belt and four more to achieve more of his goals. And I especially cannot wait to continue to lust after Michelle's wardrobe :)

  38. I love this post and agree with what you wrote. I'm a registered Democrat and I have voted for Obama twice because I felt he was the best choice both times. I HATE that people are making rude comments about him. If Romney won, I would respect him as our President and I wouldn't make mean comments about him.

  39. Well said Faith...there are so many people who have not been able to appreciate this for all that it is....a man who wants to help his country and it's people!

  40. Very well said! I loved your Instagram update! I think you have more followers rather than "un" followers! XOXO!

  41. So well said. I definitely love you even more :). I am with you on the lack of respect, it's downright rude and uncalled for. I have enjoyed reading your views on this topic. We have a great president I don't care what anyone says and I am so glad this election is over.

  42. great insight -- so happy the election is over!!

  43. We are so much alike, it's scary.

    So well written. Thanks for truly expressing yourself.

  44. Such a great post! Enjoyed every word. :)

  45. thanks for responding! So i guess I just was wondering if you think that laws should be made against things we don't think should happen. yes people still murder and own slaves, but don't we try to make laws against that so that when someone DOES do those things we can 1) deter others and 2) punish those who did it. i guess i understand laws to be societies way of 'going around telling people what not to do or what to do'. telling people they couldn't have slaves stopped a LOT of people from owning them. not 100% yes. but the vast majority. or do you think there's no point to laws since people will always break them? I think we have laws because without them, things are just chaotic. laws bring order. (laws are what let us vote too no matter who you want to vote for) . so when people look at candidates, they want to vote for someone who will bring laws they think need to be created (or enforced)

  46. I have to say I am devastated for our country that Obama was voted back in. I disagree with every single one of his platforms and think that he does not have America's best interest at heart at all. I do agree with you that we need to do our research and most definitely agree that comments like "you can't be a Christian and a democrat" and hateful comments about our president are neither helpful nor right.

    But it always makes my heart so sad when I see casual attitudes about abortion. "If someone wants to have an abortion, let them." This is one of the biggest reasons I cannot support Obama. I cannot support a man who does not support the sanctity of life. And as Christians, this is something we should be dead proponents against. Who will stand up for the lives of these innocent unborn? This is not a free will issue. It's an issue of standing up for what is right.

    And yes, God does give us free will and we should not push theology on people but He is very clear about homosexuality in the bible (adultery and murder too). He hates these things. So as Christians, we cannot casually stand by not caring what others do b/c it's their free will. We need to be an influence for what God said is right or wrong.

    Ok...stepping off my soapbox and going to read your outfit post next :)

  47. I know that I am late BUT I totally agree with EVERYTHING that you wrote. After this election there are a few relationships that I had to re-evaluate. I did not vote for Romney because I did not agree wih his policies but I would never, I mean never bash him or make derogatory comments. I heard the most hateful, racist, and uneducated comments during the course of the election. Some things you just can't take back and I hope these people feel ashamed of how they behaved.

  48. Amen!
    I am a Libertarian and tend to lean towards the Republican agenda on many issues (not all); but I totally agree that stereotypes need to END! Just because you are "Democrat" or "Republican" does not mean you would follow your party like lemmings over a cliff! It doesn't mean you automatically believe one thing or another. I don't follow ALL of my party's political agendas...because I THINK for myself and decide what issues are important to me.
    Stereotyping happens on both sides and I find it interesting that even smart and/or educated people can fall victim to making hateful and outlandish remarks about the "other side".
    We are all Americans; why can't we get along and be accepting of other views?

  49. I don't think I can love another blogger more than I love you right now.

    This was so beautifully written and you knocked every nail on the head that was aligned with my thinking.

    Thank you for this and for being you :)

  50. Oh Faith, you are great.

    I'm not American but I would have voted for the best candidate and Obama seems to be the one wanting the best for those whom are in need and not only for those who are rich. Colour shouldn't never be the motivation to elect a president. But I also don't trust politicians even Obama, because they promise so much and deliver so little, it's not all their fault is just how politics work... They are good speakers

  51. This is so perfectly stated and I agree with it. I spent a lot of time on Facebook (which I never do) seeing what was said and discussed by my left and right wing associates. I also wish people wouldn't wait until election season to 'fight' for certain social issues but hey.


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